Your organization can change.

Trygg Consulting helps you develop thriving group dynamics and work relationships so your teams and leaders can enjoy the work and achieve more.

Breanna_photo by Asia Dore


Welcome! I’m Breanna. As a process and organizational change consultant, I teach professional skills that help leaders and teams work through sticky workplace dynamics, communicate with transparency, and collaborate effectively.

By facilitating a meeting, leading a retreat, or advising your leaders, I can help you find solutions and develop a better way forward.

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One of my daylong or multi-day retreats can help you become a well-functioning team. Build healthier work relationships and systems that function the way they’re supposed to so you can do (and be) more.



A well-structured meeting can be a tool for clarification and progress. Through skill-building tasks, I help groups learn to work well together so they can make collaborative decisions and get more work done.